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design and copywriting
for superior results

"If you find yourself in need of someone who can think strategically and create dynamically... I wholeheartedly recommend Carol Worthington Levy
to you."


"I have had the privilege of being associated with Carol Worthington Levy for over 12 years. As a copywriter, I had the chance to work very closely with Carol in creative development. She was awesome, and our work won awards.


Her ability to work across industries and both in consumer and B2B arenas made her an easy choice for me. She developed creative materials for me in such diverse categories as software applications, training programs, and even child educational continuity programs. She seamlessly bridges the gap between strategic development and creative processes.


After several attempts to work with one large ad agency in Los Angeles, I ended up firing the agency and hiring Carol to develop a multi million dollar DM campaign for my company. The process was delightful and the campaign was wildly successful. If you find yourself in need of someone who can think strategically and create dynamically ... then I can wholeheartedly recommend Carol Worthington Levy to you."

Michael Clayville
HP/Digital Publishing Solutions


Portfolio: Case Histories

Check out these case histories to learn how breakthroughs happen with Worthington-Levy Creative.

Jostens Learning
Principal Secret (Cosmetics)
Universal Music
Chakra Necklace

Herbalife Distributor Renewal

Herbalife Distributor RenewalHerbalife representatives were dropping out due to lack of knowledge about current product offerings. This new program, HAP, was developed to bring them back into the fold. Our unique solution was to create a wrap around an existing catalog, and polybag it to show a gift for renewal - a phone card. This program was enormously successful.

Intelliseek BullsEye2Intelliseek BullsEye2 web portal

What do you get when you cross Elvis, Einstein,  Godzilla, Influenza and Super Glue? That is the kickoff for selling  web companies on the idea of including the BullsEye research portal  in their offering. This package so far outperformed projections at 5% response to cold mailing lists that their sales staff was begging for mercy.

Jostens Learning Catalog

Jostens Learning CatalogJostens Learning sold software to teachers and  school systems via both a dealer network and a catalog. But the  catalog was an underachiever. We looked over the catalog and the  market and realized immediately how to hit the mark. Most teachers  spend at least $800 to $1000/year out of pocket to purchase software  for their classrooms, and they also are fierce advocates for good  software for their kids. We went AGAINST Josten's branding policy  forbidding photos of teachers and kids together, and developed an  emotional cover with a teacher's dream scene. Then we loaded the  inside of the catalog with sidebars confirming how these products  provide measurements for teachers to observe their kids' progress.  It was a big winner beating the prior catalog by 250%!

Principal Secret Cosmetics

Principal Secret CosmeticsVictoria Principal's cosmetics line, sold through Guthy Renker, hit the wall after the first level of sales. Realizing  they needed to extend sales to the next level and improve customer  retention, Guthy Renker hired us to develop a series of catalogs,  which we did for about 3 years. These first ones were deliberately tiny - 5 x 5 - to fit comfortably into the fulfillment package.  However they also did well to customer lists when mailed solo. Our  strong positioning in the catalog came through added value sidebars  to encourage product use, and strong identification with Victoria  Principal herself, who is a lovely example of looking fabulous regardless  of age.

Universal Music: Los Highway and Lucinda Williams  Essence tour eMail and microsite

Universal Music: Los Highway and Lucinda Williams Essence tourLucinda Williams was beginning a tour, and had  introduced her first album in over two years. Her prior CD had been  a smash success but now the budget was low at her label, Lost Highway.  We also had no database of "ROOTS ROCK" fans - it just  didn't even exist yet. To build an accurate and responsive marketing  databaase for futur ecampaigns, wedecided to do an entirely e-campaign  -- probably one of the first of its kind. Developing an integrated  look that matched Lucinda's new fan site, we sent out html emails  to drive prospects to a special microsite, where we offered a free  sampler CD from Lost Highway to if they filled out a survey. Everyone  who did the survey was also entered into a sweeps. The response  was amazing - over 30% of the house list filled out a survey, and  about 2.7% from cold email lists. About 50% of the respondants went  on to purchase a CD - a real bonus for us. And ticket sales boomed.  Winner of the world's first DMA Echo Digital  Award.

The Chakra Necklace: The tiny little ad with a BIG response

Chakra Necklace websiteThe Chakra Necklace is a small company in Ireland  with art jewelry that has been developed by an artist with special  knowledge of the Chakra. Hand tied necklaces have stones hand-chosen  by the artist for their Chakra power.

(To see the site, go to - this is our work, as well.)

This ad ran for six issues in The New Yorker,  and amazingly, it paid for itself during that ad run... plus many  months later, we still get calls for jewelry orders.
The most interesting part is that this little ad (just about two inches wide) was so powerful that most of our  customers bought directly off the page, and didn't even visit the site. However, the site did provide additional information for those  who were on the fence, and this pushed more sales as well.
We wrote copy, designed and and handled all photography here and on the website.

Copyright © 2011 Worthington-Levy Creative